Well, here it is late again and I am ready to head to bed, but just felt the need to share the pictures I just finished working on. I took these pictures in the complete dark again and used the same light I did before. I am really enjoying the effect that this technique creates. I thinking about finding a way to take in donations and depending on the amount would determine how many of my pictures the individual would get and then donate the proceeds to charity. I spoke a friend tonight about how I could go about doing this and I am excited about the information she shared. I think I am going to try to ride under another organization for a while and if things actually go well and I am ready to start my own organization then I will look further into it. My goal will to one day start a non-profit organization called Photos for Life. I would like to have a wide variety of photos that I would group together and make available and each set would be connected with a charity and the proceeds would go to that charity. Well, that is what is going on in my head right now… Enjoy the pics!

Saved by the blood,
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