Saturday, February 28, 2009

Movin' more...

Well, for those of you following along I am sorry for the large gap between posts. First let me assure you that all is well and I am progressing nicely. I have had three PT/OT sessions now since I have been out of the hospital and I am doing well. I have a lot of deep tissue tightness in my back and neck but the OT guy is working on that for me. I am thinking of going for a massage, but I am just not sure about it, being a massage virgin and all. It just sounds real relaxing. I have progressed rather well over the last couple weeks. As I get around the house I often do so without any aids, well that is if you don’t count the walls and furniture. I still have a lot of tightness in my leg muscles and I really feel it in the early morning and late evening. A good hot shower in the morning and sleep at night help out with the pain. My left shoulder and hand have been bothering me a bit the last several days. I just never seem to know what is going to bother me from one day to the next. I am trying to work as much as possible during the week and that is going rather well. We have several projects going on and the more I can play along the better for everyone. I am still not driving and that makes it much more difficult to get around, I have to rely on my loving wife and that puts a lot on her, but she has been awesome about getting me everywhere I need to be. I hope to be driving again soon; I will post it once I am back on the road. I got new glasses a couple days ago. It took me at least 45 minutes to pick out my new frames. I have been picking a standard metal frame from the Air Force for the last 12 years that all the choices had me going in circles. So, I now have my new nifty specs in both a regular and sun glass. I will get a pic soon and post it for all to see. I want to try and get a good shot because I want to make it my profile shot on all my sites that have a profile pic.

Well, I am sure there are a ton of things I could add in here but if I don’t finish this soon it may never get posted. I have been working on it for an hour now and this is all I have. I must say the Food Network has some good stuff on tonight. I love watching people cook food; wish I was able to make some of these things they make and show. I could really use some of it right about now. I lost about 20 lbs. in the hospital and could stand to bring it all back, 150 lbs. for a 6’1” guy is not the recommended weight. Well, I better be going for now. I will try to get back sooner the next time around. Until then… God bless!

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